
Spiral or straight staircase?

Spiralstair or straight stair

In the world of architectural design, the staircase is not only a functional element that connects different levels of a structure but also a significant aesthetic feature that can define the character of a space. Among the various types of staircases, the spiral staircase stands out for its unique advantages over the traditional straight staircase. Here are some compelling reasons to consider a spiral staircase for your next project.

Space Efficiency

The most notable advantage of spiral staircases is their space-saving design. Unlike straight staircases that require a linear path, spiral staircases wrap around a central pole, significantly reducing the footprint. This makes them ideal for smaller homes or spaces where conserving floor area is crucial.

A spiral staircase as an industrial outdoor stair

Eurostair standard spiral stair as a space efficient industrial outdoor stair

Aesthetic Appeal

Spiral staircases are often associated with sophistication and elegance. Their helical ascent provides a visual treat and can serve as a focal point in any interior design. The variety of materials and styles available means they can be tailored to complement any decor, from the rustic charm of wrought iron to the sleek modernity of glass and steel.

Exclusive indoor spiral staircase

Eurostair exclusive indoor spiral stair


The compact design of spiral staircases allows them to be installed in locations where a straight staircase would be impractical. This includes tight corners, the middle of rooms, or outdoors. They can also be used as secondary staircases, providing access to lofts, attics, mezzanine floors or rooftops. In industrial settings they can save valuable space while still allowing for maintenance staff to access all areas. For residential buildings spiral stairs can serve as escape stairs that are visually more appealing than a large straight stair construction.

Spiral stairs as escape stairs

Eurostair standard spiral stair added to a residential building as a space saving escape stair

Safety and Accessibility

While the compactness of spiral staircases may raise questions about safety, many designs incorporate features such as wider treads, proper handrails, and gentle rises to ensure comfort and stability. Additionally, the continuous handrail that spirals along with the staircase with no sharp breaks or protruding screws provides a consistent support, which can be particularly beneficial for children and the elderly. Specially designed child-safe railings can be added for maximum safety in residential environments. Eurostair offers a large variety of options from steps to handrails that allow you to create the exact type of stair you are looking for.

Enhanced Flow of Movement

In larger homes or commercial spaces, spiral staircases can improve the flow of movement by offering direct access between floors without the need for long, horizontal passageways. This can make navigating the space more intuitive and efficient.


Spiral staircases offer a blend of functionality, beauty, and innovation. They can transform the aesthetics of a space while addressing practical considerations of efficiency and flow. Whether for a home, office, or public building, a spiral staircase is a statement piece that marries form and function with grace and style. If you're considering a staircase that adds value and character, the spiral staircase is a choice worth ascending.

Spiral staircases made of high-strength steel, easy and quick to assemble.

From one of the leading staircase manufacturers in Europe.

Spiral staircases from Eurostair
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